Category: Next Generation Programme
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Get ready to celebrate and get inspired at Your Next Generation Celebration. After an exceptional year of connection and growth, we are delighted to offer participants of our Next Generation programme one final opportunity to come together. This celebration...
23rd October, 2024
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Our coaching programme brings together the rising stars from councils to collaborate on real-world challenges they encounter in their roles. It’s an invaluable opportunity for professional growth, while also fostering innovative solutions that can benefit your council. The core...
22nd October, 2024
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Our coaching programme brings together the rising stars from councils to collaborate on real-world challenges they encounter in their roles. It’s an invaluable opportunity for professional growth, while also fostering innovative solutions that can benefit your council. The core...
22nd October, 2024
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Our coaching programme brings together the rising stars from councils to collaborate on real-world challenges they encounter in their roles. It’s an invaluable opportunity for professional growth, while also fostering innovative solutions that can benefit your council. The core...
22nd October, 2024
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Our coaching programme brings together the rising stars from councils to collaborate on real-world challenges they encounter in their roles. It’s an invaluable opportunity for professional growth, while also fostering innovative solutions that can benefit your council. The core...
22nd October, 2024
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Our coaching programme will see councils’ rising stars join their peers to work together on the live challenges that they face. Led by a hand-picked senior council officers, programme members will have the opportunity to present their most pressing...
28th November, 2023
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Our coaching programme will see councils’ rising stars join their peers to work together on the live challenges that they face. Led by a hand-picked senior council officers, programme members will have the opportunity to present their most pressing...
28th November, 2023
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Our coaching programme will see councils’ rising stars join their peers to work together on the live challenges that they face. Led by a hand-picked senior council officers, programme members will have the opportunity to present their most pressing...
28th November, 2023
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Our coaching programme will see councils’ rising stars join their peers to work together on the live challenges that they face. Led by a hand-picked senior council officers, programme members will have the opportunity to present their most pressing...
28th November, 2023
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Our coaching programme will see councils’ rising stars join their peers to work together on the live challenges that they face. Led by a hand-picked senior council officers, programme members will have the opportunity to present their most pressing...
28th November, 2023
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Our coaching programme will see councils’ rising stars join their peers to work together on the live challenges that they face. Led by a hand-picked senior council officers, programme members will have the opportunity to present their most pressing...
23rd November, 2023
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Welcome to our 2024 Next Generation Programme cohort. Our coaching programme will see councils’ rising stars join their peers to work together on the live challenges that they face. Led by a hand-picked senior council officers, programme members will...
23rd November, 2023
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Celebrate and be inspired at Your Next Generation Celebration. After a phenomenal year of connection and insight, we are thrilled to give the attendees of our Next Generation programme one more opportunity to come together and learn from each other....
7th November, 2023
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Our coaching programme will see councils’ rising stars join their peers to work together on the live challenges that they face. Led by a hand-picked senior council officers, programme members will have the opportunity to present their most pressing...
13th December, 2022
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Our coaching programme will see councils’ rising stars join their peers to work together on the live challenges that they face. Led by a hand-picked senior council officers, programme members will have the opportunity to present their most pressing...
13th December, 2022
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Our coaching programme will see councils’ rising stars join their peers to work together on the live challenges that they face. Led by a hand-picked senior council officers, programme members will have the opportunity to present their most pressing...
13th December, 2022
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Our coaching programme will see councils’ rising stars join their peers to work together on the live challenges that they face. Led by a hand-picked senior council officers, programme members will have the opportunity to present their most pressing problems and explore new perspectives and solutions. We’re...
13th December, 2022
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Celebrate and be inspired at our Next Generation Programme graduation. After a phenomenal year of connecting and hard-work developing the services they offer to residents, we are thrilled to give the attendees of our Next Generation programme the opportunity...
4th October, 2022
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Our brand-new coaching programme will see councils’ rising stars join their peers to work together on the live challenges that they face. Led by a hand-picked, senior council officer programme members will have the opportunity to present their most pressing problems and explore new perspectives and solutions. ...
8th November, 2021
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Our brand-new coaching programme will see councils’ rising stars join their peers to work together on the live challenges that they face. Led by a hand-picked, senior council officer programme members will have the opportunity to present their most pressing problems and explore new perspectives and solutions. ...
8th November, 2021
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Our brand-new coaching programme will see councils’ rising stars join their peers to work together on the live challenges that they face. Led by a hand-picked, senior council officer programme members will have the opportunity to present their most pressing problems and explore new perspectives and solutions. ...
8th November, 2021
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Our brand-new coaching programme will see councils’ rising stars join their peers to work together on the live challenges that they face. Led by a hand-picked, senior council officer programme members will have the opportunity to present their most pressing problems and explore new perspectives and solutions. ...
8th November, 2021
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Councils’ rising stars get to work directly with the experts on the cutting edge of radical new approaches. This course is aimed exclusively at those who aspire to the top jobs. It will equip attendees with ideas that are...
26th January, 2021
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Councils’ rising stars get to work directly with the experts on the cutting edge of radical new approaches. This course is aimed exclusively at those who aspire to the top jobs. It will equip attendees with ideas that are marginal now but will mainstream once they’ve risen through the ranks. Format: Six, one-hour sessions Commitment: Candidates should be prepared to...
8th January, 2021
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Councils’ rising stars get to work directly with the experts on the cutting edge of radical new approaches. This course is aimed exclusively at those who aspire to the top jobs. It will equip attendees with ideas that are marginal now but will mainstream once they’ve risen through the ranks. Format: Six, one-hour sessions Commitment: Candidates should be prepared to...
8th January, 2021
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Councils’ rising stars get to work directly with the experts on the cutting edge of radical new approaches. This course is aimed exclusively at those who aspire to the top jobs. It will equip attendees with ideas that are marginal now but will mainstream once they’ve risen through the ranks. Format: Six, one-hour sessions Commitment: Candidates should be prepared to...
8th January, 2021
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Councils’ rising stars get to work directly with the experts on the cutting edge of radical new approaches. This course is aimed exclusively at those who aspire to the top jobs. It will equip attendees with ideas that are marginal now but will mainstream once they’ve risen through the ranks. Format: Six, one-hour sessions Commitment: Candidates should be prepared to...
8th January, 2021
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Councils’ rising stars get to work directly with the experts on the cutting edge of radical new approaches. This course is aimed exclusively at those who aspire to the top jobs. It will equip attendees with ideas that are marginal now but will mainstream once they’ve risen through the ranks. We are very excited to welcome Matt Skinner,...
10th December, 2020