
Funding & governance

How we’re governed

We are governed by a Board of Directors, which includes Interim Chief Executive Jessica Studdert.

They are experts drawn from across the private, public and parliamentary worlds.

Claire Kennedy is our current Chair on an interim basis following the retirement of Donna Hall. Claire will return to her Vice Chair role once we have appointed a new permanent Chair by October 2023.

How we’re funded

The majority of our funding comes through the subscriptions paid by our member organisations – most of these are councils although a small number are commercial or not-for-profit bodies. Members receive a clear package of benefits such as attendance at events and workshop facilitation.

All of our members are listed here

We also receive funding from partners for events such as our Stronger Things conference and for our research. This comes from charitable trusts, not-for-profit bodies and commercial organisations.

We never accept anonymous donations or funding. All funders are clearly indicated in our publications or on publicity for events. We do not accept money to run private lobbying campaigns of central or local government nor to secure access to ministers or other decision-makers.

In addition, we generate some of our income through consultancy services for public sector organisations focused on developing strategies in areas such as community-led services, organisational culture change and partnership working.

New Local is a company limited by guarantee and operates as a not-for-profit body.