Our network is our greatest asset. We are home to around 50 councils from across the UK, of all types and political makeups. They are joined by our corporate partners, offering specialist expertise and support.
Our members and partners are united by a mission to unlock community power, discover new ideas and make change happen.
Their first-hand insights and on-the-ground experience informs our research. Meanwhile, we work more closely with individual councils through our practice offer.
We offer:
- Over 25 peer-led, practically-focussed online events – one every two weeks. Safe and confidential spaces for honest conversations about the challenges we all face. They bring together senior strategic officers from across the country who are driving innovation in local government.
- Many of our members especially value the opportunity to build new connections that go beyond their usual geographic and professional groupings. Throughout your membership we’ll support you and your teams in creating strong new networks.
- We are committed to amplifying your achievements by sharing your work and best practices through our network, newsletter and social media channels, showcasing your council’s successes throughout the year.
- Direct access to our team of policy and research experts who work full time on emerging trends and the future of local government, always with a clear and practical focus.
- Tailored facilitated sessions for you and your team exploring your own council’s approach and potential or our place’s issues, challenges or future strategies. With a discount of 10% on any practice or research work you commission from us.
- Access to members-only publications and briefings, responding to practical, prescient issues in local government.
Our members benefit from each other’s experience alongside our events, research and practice support to change staff cultures, work smarter and radically improve their relationships with residents.