In Practice: Planning an inclusive economy in Calderdale

About the Project
Calderdale Council and the Calderdale Inclusive Economy Board worked with New Local to refresh their inclusive economy strategy. The overarching aim of the strategy is that by 2029 Calderdale will be an inclusive economy, in which everyone is able to contribute and from which everyone benefits.
Who we Worked With
Calderdale Council, in collaboration with the Calderdale Inclusive Economy Board
How we did it
New Local worked with a range of partners and used a range of methods to support development of the refreshed strategy. This included:
- Facilitating two workshops with members of the Calderdale Inclusive Economy Board, exploring existing strengths within the local economy, opportunities to build on, and areas for priority action. This involved partners across the private, public, and voluntary, community and social enterprise sectors.
- Engaging the business community to understand their current challenges and future priorities, including at two business events and through an online survey (developed and administered in collaboration with Calderdale Council).
- Undertaking economic analysis through a review of national, regional and local datasets to build a robust evidence base to underpin the strategy.
- Capturing case studies of local businesses and local actions which are creating the conditions for local business to thrive, as practical examples to build on.
- Liaising with partners at a regional level to ensure alignment with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority inclusive economy goals and with partners locally to align with related strategies and plans (e.g. Employment and Skills Framework, Visitor Economy Strategy).
What was achieved
The Inclusive Economy Strategy for Calderdale 2024-2029 identifies five goals to achieve an inclusive economy for Calderdale:
- Increased business innovation, enterprise, and investment
- Good work for all, including young people
- Wealth is created and retained within communities
- A cleaner and greener economy, fit for the future
- More people visit, stay, work and live in Calderdale
Alongside the strategic goals, three enabling conditions are also identified: health, housing, and connectivity (physical and digital). These underpin the goals and are guiding collaboration with partners at local, regional and national levels to help create the conditions for an inclusive economy in Calderdale.
“New Local were great at facilitating our conversations, listening to our aspirations, and using this to work collaboratively with us to help craft our refreshed inclusive economy strategy. The final document is robust and well-informed by the economic reality and national context whilst also grounded in our local place. The ‘plan on a page’ has proved particularly clear and helpful for us as an engagement tool.”
Sian Rogers, Strategic Lead for for Inclusive Economy, Voluntary, Community Sector, Calderdale Council
Image credit: Uksignpix