By listening to and valuing the insights of communities, the public sector can build better services, improve outcomes and use limited resources more wisely. But what are the essential ingredients for effective collaboration? And how can you overcome barriers...

14th August, 2024

This member-exclusive Innovation Explored takes a look at how councils can develop their focus on community wellbeing.

4th April, 2024

Summer Simpson speaks to Lucy Colbeck, programme manager at Playing Out, about the benefits of street play for local communities, growing support for the movement in local and central government, why residents should stay in the driving seat and...

26th March, 2024

Big Local is a Lottery funded programme that committed £1m each to 150 neighbourhoods across England. These communities were given 10-15 years to spend the funding, at their own pace and according to their own plans and priorities. The...

29th June, 2023

Produced in partnership with What Works Centre for Wellbeing, this report reviews the evidence related to community agency, control and power and their effects on community wellbeing.

22nd June, 2023

Giving communities more agency has been linked to improved wellbeing. But to what extent is this backed up by evidence? And how do we help harness the benefits of community power – while avoiding the common pitfalls?

22nd June, 2023

Imran Hashmi unpacks the relationship between economic growth and wellbeing, arguing that local people should be at the heart of decisions about economic policy in their area.

9th March, 2023

We are working with What Works Centre for Wellbeing, the National Lottery Community Fund and People’s Health Trust to explore the impact of agency and control on community wellbeing.

2nd March, 2023

Polly Lord sets out five lessons for England from the Welsh Wellbeing of Future Generations Act.

28th February, 2023

Every council wants meaningful engagement and thriving communities. Could wellbeing be the magic ingredient that enables this to happen? Residents who are able to shape what happens in their area and who feel a sense of individual and collective...

20th January, 2023

Rishi Sunak's budget announcement raised familiar debates about how to best secure growth. But what if we were measuring the wrong kind of growth? Luca Tiratelli puts forward the case for New Zealand-style Wellbeing Budgets - as a better...

8th March, 2021

Offering a vision for a fundamentally different approach to supporting people into employment.

7th April, 2020

Exploring how councils are working to tackle loneliness.

14th March, 2019

Government must acknowledge health as an economic asset that boosts workforce productivity Over 85% of senior public health officers surveyed1 found that economic development departments are not as engaged as they could be £65m should be invested in Health...

28th November, 2017

This final report moves the debate into practical territory by focussing on actions rather than structures, and the wider resources of places rather than the organisational boundaries of institutions.

17th March, 2016

It is now eighteen months on from the transfer of public health from the NHS to local authorities, and one year on from the publication of the NLGN report Healthy Dialogues: Embedding Health in Local Government. To mark this,...

27th January, 2015