Tag: Ostrom
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Adam Lent argues that in a permacrisis era, it is the privately owned that is proving fragile not the public and the common.
11th November, 2022
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As MPs return to Parliament, and in the wake of an economic orthodoxy overhaul, Polly Lord examines the ‘tragedy of the commons’ phenomenon - arguing that the real tragedy lies in the assumptions made at Westminster and the failure...
7th October, 2022
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We're building under half of the new homes we need, while millions live in unsuitable and overcrowded accommodation. What if involving communities in planning could succeed where decades of reforms have failed? Pawda Tjoa on how councils can construct...
17th November, 2021
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How could a community-led alternative to England’s current housing system could deliver more, and better, housing?
12th November, 2020
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Exploring the ground-breaking work of economist Elinor Ostrom, the intellectual hero of community power. And asking what it could mean for the UK today.
21st October, 2020
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Elinor Ostrom was a Nobel Prize-winning thinker and godmother of the community power movement. Here are three vital lessons her work has for the UK today.
21st October, 2020
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Who was Elinor Ostrom? What were her key arguments? How are they relevant to localism, public services, and politics in the UK? This presentation serves as an introduction to our online symposium on Elinor Ostrom. It provides an overview...
20th April, 2020
Community Power • Ostrom • Politics • Public Services • Video
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We draw out some of the most important ideas from Ostrom's long career and distil a set of new principles for the UK today.
7th April, 2020
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Simon Kaye explores the legacy of Elinor Ostrom, the first female Noble-prize-winning economist, who proved that communities can successfully take charge of the assets around them. It’s work that should provide intellectual inspiration and practical principles for people taking...
8th March, 2020
Community Power • Economy and business • Ostrom • Public Services
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NLGN is working to empower communities in this bid to take back control with our overarching Community Paradigm agenda, and our latest project is an investigation into the research and insights of Elinor Ostrom.
15th November, 2019
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@adamjlent In our report The Community Paradigm, published last week, Jessica Studdert and I explored a new model of public services emerging on the frontline of delivery. We argued that the key idea at the heart of this model...
4th March, 2019