How can we measure long-term change in an area? Lily O’Flynn shares tools and advice for evaluating place-based change.

16th May, 2022

Here are six ways we found community power is having a positive impact for people, communities and public services, and some of the brilliant examples that show this in practice.

23rd February, 2021

Community power produces far-ranging benefits. But an ‘evidence paradox’, hard-wired into our policy-making system, is holding back its potential. As we launch our latest report, Community Power: The Evidence, co-author Jessica Studdert addresses the counteractive way we measure success...

23rd February, 2021

Community Power: The Evidence is the first research to take a comprehensive view of what community power looks like - featuring examples from across the UK and internationally. It is also the first to collect and analyse existing...

23rd February, 2021

By bringing together existing evidence about the impact of community powered approaches – both in the UK and internationally – we set out a case for deeper change.

12th October, 2020