Tag: Long read
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As the world reels from an accelerating environmental crisis, Adam Lent details a vision of a sustainable economy that has local communities rather than big business at its heart. Contrary to popular opinion, big business and big government share...
12th October, 2021
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Local government finance can be mystifying. Taxes, rates, grants; shifting parametres and endless micro reforms. And yet how councils get their money has inescapable consequences for our places and services. Luckily, Jessica Studdert is on-hand to shed a light...
23rd July, 2021
Explainer • Local government • Local government finance • Local government reform • Long read
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In the UK, access to healthcare may be egalitarian in principle, but outcomes are becoming less and less equal. Spurred on by the experience of Covid, a growing movement is building solutions - not within hospitals or GP surgeries,...
8th July, 2021
Community Power • Health and social care • Inequality • Long read
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All over the world, people are coming together to make decisions on some of the major issues we're facing today. But what is the potential for real consensus vs conflict? And does this modish form of community power have...
11th May, 2021
Citizens Assemblies • Community engagement • Community Power • Democracy • Local government • Long read
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The Covid-19 pandemic has shone a light on how the UK functions: how decisions are made and by whom; the interlocking - or isolated - roles of health care, local government and the private sector - and the 'heroic'...
1st February, 2021
Central government • Covid-19 • Governance • Health and social care • Long read • Strategy and leadership
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Most of us recognise that climate change will soon overshadow every crisis that came before. But our approaches to tackling it are too often marred by denial, evasion and false optimism. In this long read, Luca Tiratelli unpacks the...
19th November, 2020
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The Government’s centralised response and lethal failures on Covid mean it's time to acknowledge that local communities have rights that should be enshrined in law.
15th October, 2020