How wealth is distributed and how much power local areas have over spending is fundamental to growing the economy. Here's how to make fiscal devolution work.

26th April, 2023

We explain what fiscal devolution is, bust myths that it will lead to higher taxes, explore different ways to do it, and recommend how to make it happen.

26th April, 2023

In the first instalment of our New Thinking series, Alex Fox and Chris Fox examine the state of public services in the UK today, and make the case for whole system reform.

2nd March, 2023

Adam Lent argues the former prime minister has produced the most radical devolutionary programme from either of the two big parties in decades, but far less ambitious plans than this have become lost in the weeds of internal party...

7th December, 2022

James Arrowsmith of Browne Jacobson shares his insights on how to overcome the fear of risk in your organisation.

15th November, 2021

Bonnie Hewson explores how co-production can help rebuild trust between councils and communities.

10th November, 2021

Introducing our new project on the ‘how’ of community power and our initial findings.

2nd November, 2021

Local government finance can be mystifying. Taxes, rates, grants; shifting parametres and endless micro reforms. And yet how councils get their money has inescapable consequences for our places and services. Luckily, Jessica Studdert is on-hand to shed a light...

23rd July, 2021

Avoiding a drift back to old norms and ways of working, addressing exclusion and preserving accountability.

15th February, 2021

Starting with problems, not software and focusing on users’ needs to make the most of new digital tools.

20th June, 2018

Exploring different methods to frame and implement your transformation programme.

20th August, 2017