How would a new planning and housing system work, one not based on top-down nor market-based approaches?

29th September, 2020

Exploring the work of local government around local renewable energy generation.

18th October, 2018

The pressure on the chancellor to ease austerity is intensifying by the day, with increasingly noisy calls for a more doveish approach from within his own party. This nervousness seems to reflect a growing popular anxiety about the impact...

6th September, 2017

An evidence review by Public Health England (PHE) hit the headlines last week, after the government agency found that a large chunk of middle aged adults are doing little to no exercise on a regular basis. According to PHE,...

6th September, 2017

NLGN’s report – Grow Your Own: Skills and Infrastructure for Local Economic Growth, kindly supported by BT and Kent Country Council – argues local government must seize a new role as social venture capitalists to unblock stalled developments and...

16th April, 2012