This member-exclusive Innovation Exchange write up explores long term investment in prevention and working in different ways in partnership across local systems of public services and voluntary sector organisations

28th January, 2025

How can you properly measure something when you are working in a system that frequently asks the wrong questions, focuses on the wrong measure, and can obsess over costs and ignore true value?

16th January, 2023

How to identify what to measure and get buy-in for assessing impact.

30th April, 2020

Exploring how to manage demand using insights from behavioural science.

13th December, 2019

Exploring the importance of prototyping in developing an innovation.

28th November, 2019

How does the design of the places we live, work and play shape our health and sense of belonging?

29th October, 2019

A summary of the main ideas and lessons that emerged from the day’s discussions

20th September, 2019

Social value in commissioning and procurement is important because it considers the role of spending on services to improve economic, social, and environmental wellbeing in an area. These often have long-term benefits to local communities but are not widely...

28th February, 2018

Exploring how councils are measuring social value and the impact this can have on procurement processes.

29th January, 2018

The Public Services (Social Value) Act was designed to encourage those commissioning public services to think beyond short-term financial costs, to how they could use their contracts to drive more value for local communities. Five years on from its...

29th January, 2018

Pye Nyunt writes about his experience of setting up a council insight function. In October 2016, we set up the “Insight Hub” at Barking & Dagenham Town Hall, with the aim to focus on making better use of the...

2nd June, 2017

After years in the offing, the election of the first wave of new metro-mayors means this once theoretical tier of governance has now become a group of six actual human beings. Their coming into being has not been without...

5th May, 2017