Building a community-powered NHS is urgently needed to overcome the current and future challenges facing the system. On the 75th anniversary of our much-loved health service, Laura Charlesworth delves into an innovative model of healthcare that puts community connection...

5th July, 2023

Ben Hughes from Essex County Council shares his experience of setting up the Essex Recovery Foundation and putting the community at the heart of service design.

15th February, 2023

Ideas and reflections on embedding a more autonomous and permissive working culture; building greater resilience within the workforce; and creating a culture of co-production with local partners and communities.

2nd March, 2022

Six key factors to consider when setting up a commission that will help you maximise impact.

22nd June, 2021

Many of us in the local government sector are all too well acquainted with you the negative side of the budgeting process. As demand seems to consistently rise, money gets scarcer and less certain.

4th December, 2019

Local authorities experience considerable difficulties as they budget to keep vital services going whilst facing uncertainty about their future finances, and this is exacerbated when they are unsure when a longer-term settlement can be achieved.

4th December, 2019

A summary of the main ideas and lessons that emerged from the day’s discussions

20th September, 2019

This report makes a convincing case for why the process needs to be led by citizens and service users not public sector professionals. Importantly, it also explains in detail how this shift is happening in practice.

8th July, 2019

In February of this year NLGN set out a compelling new vision for public services in The Community Paradigm The report argued that for a preventative approach to public service delivery to be achieved, significant power and resource must...

8th July, 2019

Exploring how councils are measuring social value and the impact this can have on procurement processes.

29th January, 2018

The Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 requires commissioners in public authorities to have regard to economic, social and environmental well-being when buying public services. Public bodies are now encouraged to make social value a consideration and look for...

8th May, 2017

DOWNLOAD NLGN RECOMMENDATIONS AND ACTIONS NLGN were commissioned by Power to Change in March 2016, to provide the most comprehensive possible mapping of asset transfers from local authorities to communities in recent years. This report found steady progress in...

2nd November, 2016

This report takes a “whole systems” approach to ensure services are working in an integrated way wrapped around people. Getting this right will require greater collaboration between commissioners and providers, and between all shapes and sizes of VCS organisations...

28th April, 2016

In May 2014, NLGN held a roundtable discussion bringing together local government and SMEs to discuss opportunities and barriers to working together. This paper outlines the key themes that came out of the event.

12th August, 2014

Better commissioning is a critical part of the future for local government. As councils redefine themselves for a new era of high demand and tight budgets, the quality of the processes they use to shape and source their services...

27th May, 2014