Tag: Childrens’ Services
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Making the case for preventative services can be difficult, so it is vital that interventions can evidence their efficacy. Bridges Outcomes Partnerships have been working as part of the changing systems in children’s services in Norfolk and Suffolk where,...
23rd July, 2024
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When Children England asked young people to lead their own inquiry into how to create a welfare state that’s fair for children, they focused on local community-led solutions. Chloe Darlington looks at their ideas, from community health hubs to...
17th February, 2021
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Covid-19 has had a severe impact on the social, economic and mental wellbeing of young people. Through a new Listening Project, we'll explore how to build 'cultural communities' for, and with, younger generations. And you're invited to join us....
2nd February, 2021
Childrens' Services • Community Power • Covid-19 • Events • Inequality • Young people
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“Young people often find their voice through producing something creative. But they like to be reassured that their voices will be heard first before they engage in creative activities.” How can we enable creative communities for young people? As...
2nd February, 2021
Childrens' Services • Community Power • Culture • Young people
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A growing number of councils are adopting new approaches to children's services which tap into the capacity and experiences of local people.
18th June, 2020
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“Disasters shake things loose. And the things that we regarded as fixed and unchangeable can suddenly be changed” (Solnit, 2020) Rebecca Solnit has become the ‘go to’ writer for many of us, at the moment, as we anxiously seize...
12th May, 2020
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The number of children in care has never been so high, rising by 4% over the last year alone and by 2025, the funding gap for children’s services is expected to rise to £3.1bn. In 2017-18, nine out of...
11th September, 2019
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This report makes a case for a future of children’s services that is led by children and families. It argues that to ensure the future sustainability of children’s services, we need to start in the community – to grow...
9th September, 2019
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The number of looked after children has reached a thirty-year high, with spending in this area accounting for over half of spending on children’s services in 2018-19. Despite the injection of an additional £542 million in 2018-19, councils continue...
9th September, 2019
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Last week’s Spending Review announcement provided something of a proverbial crutch for children’s services, but offered few reassurances for the medium to long-term sustainability of what many see as the most important state function of them all. Failing to...
9th September, 2019
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The plight of children’s services is a well-documented one, and it is in some ways a relief to see that organisations such as the Local Government Association are now listing it as the number one challenge facing local authorities....
1st May, 2019
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“All adults should always do what is best for you.” – Article 3 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, child-friendly version (1989) On the thirtieth anniversary of this landmark Convention, the UK Government is falling...
28th April, 2019
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The demand pressures on children’s services have been rising up the policy agenda. There have been repeated calls to the government to allocate more resources to supporting children’s services. The LGA, National Children’s Bureau, the Children’s Society and Action...
16th August, 2018
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11,000 young people leave care every year, including foster and residential placements, and start their transition to adulthood. For many, this is a difficult journey. Not only do young people have to grow up fast, many moving to live...
20th June, 2018
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This was first published in the Local Government Chronicle on 8th May 2018 After the celebration of victory comes an eye-opening and somewhat shocking week for new councillors elected last Thursday. Many of the pressures they will hear about...
9th May, 2018
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Exploring how councils can make use of behavioural insights.
20th October, 2017
Behavioural Insights • Childrens' Services • Community Power • Innovation In-depth • Members • Transport
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This blog is the first in a new series which will attempt to highlight key trends that may help identify the causes behind the continued rise in the demand for children’s services. In this first blog, we will explore...
13th October, 2017
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Supported by: In collaboration with Action for Children, NLGN hosted three roundtable discussions on the role of local government in supporting parents. The first two discussions were held with councillors at the Labour and Conservative party conferences, and the...
10th December, 2015
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NLGN hosted a roundtable in partnership with Prospects in March 2015 to discuss changing delivery models for children’s and youth services. This paper outlines the key themes from this discussion and how this fits in the wider context of...
14th July, 2015
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In November 2014, NLGN hosted a roundtable discussion in partnership with the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) and MindEd to consider how local government can prioritise early intervention in child and adolescent mental health. This involved...
22nd January, 2015