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Stronger Things Partners
We are grateful to all of our Stronger Things partners, without whom we could not bring this event to life.
@localtrust A place-based funder trusting local people to transform and improve their neighbourhoods. Local Trust aims to demonstrate the value of long term, unconditional, community-led funding, and to draw on the learning from our work delivering the Big Local programme to promote a wider transformation in the way policy makers, funders and others engage with communities and place.
@themjcouk Follow The MJ for local government news, incisive comment, in-depth features and interviews, business analysis and the top recruitment vacancies in the sector.
@CareCityUK A social enterprise working with communities, health and care partners to create innovative change of local benefit and national significance.

@citizenlabco An e-democracy platform that connects local governments with their communities. Learn more: http://citizenlab.co
@cityoflondon Dedicated to a vibrant and thriving City, supporting a diverse and sustainable London within a globally successful UK.
@HelloLampPost_ We’re creating better places for people, by making everywhere around the world interactive.
@jrf_uk JRF is an independent social change organisation working to solve UK poverty. The Emerging Futures is dedicated to harnessing collective intelligence and imagination, collaborating in a way that society can reimagine the future.
@lgcplus Local Government Chronicle, all the latest news, analysis, briefings and opinion on UK local government
@MEAMcoalition Making Every Adult Matter (MEAM) – A coalition of @clinks_tweets, @homelesslink, @mindcharity and @collective_voice dedicated to tackling multiple disadvantage.
@ocsi_uk Research, data and analysis for social good.
@PeabodyLDN We’re one of the UK’s oldest not-for-profit housing associations. But our focus is always on the future.

@public_world Public World helps build happy, healthy & trustful workplace communities of self-organising teams, leading to better & more sustainable services & productivity.