Category: Publications
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The Government’s new General Power of Competence for local authorities will only work successfully if councils are given clear legal freedom according to the New Local Government Network. In a new report the think tank urges the Government to...
30th August, 2010
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In a new report the New Local Government Network (NLGN) suggests setting a longer time horizon for the closure of the Local Government Pension Schemes’ (LGPS) historic deficit, which would in turn enable councils to use the money to...
11th August, 2010
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With investment in public building projects decreasing by 50% over the next four years, a new report recommends using the Local Government Pension Fund (LGPF), municipal bonds and council reserves to plug the shortfall. The New Local Government Network...
29th July, 2010
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In the wake of the Coalition Government’s decision to scrap the Comprehensive Area Assessment (CAA), NLGN is today calling for remaining inspection regimes to be slimmed down and for local citizens to play a greater role in driving up...
20th July, 2010
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Analysing figures from the recent Budget, NLGN is predicting that this could leave councils with a funding reduction of over £12 billion, which could lead to services being cut or charges for local services increasing.
7th July, 2010
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This paper argues that users would benefit if better outcomes could be achieved more efficiently if public services were subject to less central instruction, as long as the necessary safeguards of transparency, scrutiny and accountability to local citizens are...
16th June, 2010
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Polling published by NLGN show strong support from local government leaders for new measures to tackle financial exclusion. With figures showing[1] that more than a third of low earners are finding it difficult to access credit during the recession,...
29th March, 2010
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A lack of joined-up working across Whitehall departments risks undermining the Government’s Total Place initiative according NLGN’s new report. In one of the most detailed studies so far on Total Place, the research finds that whilst billions of savings...
18th March, 2010
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Abusing social housing should change from a civil to a criminal offence 50,000 properties estimated to be unlawfully sub-let Call backed by the Chartered Institute of Housing Savings of £750m could be made by recovering all unlawfully sub-let properties...
9th March, 2010
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Cities and their surrounding areas could be governed by elected mayors with wide-ranging powers over tax, policing and health according to plans outlined in a new report. With David Cameron committed to referendums on elected city mayors in 12...
25th January, 2010
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Local authorities should channel funding to areas of skills training that will most benefit long term employment and economic growth in their locality. The economic downturn has seen unemployment in the UK rise to 7.9%, with almost 2.5 million...
12th January, 2010
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15% of high street shops likely to be empty by Christmas Councils urged to offer business rate incentives for new companies Call for more independent shops to stop ‘Ghost Town Britain’ As the number of high street stores closing...
21st December, 2009
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There is strong public support for local councils to use surveillance techniques to tackle anti-social behaviour, drug-dealing and theft, but also found it...

19th February, 2009
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This research paper calls for central bodies to loosen their hold on the Government’s £45 billion Building Schools for the Future programme so that schools, parents, pupils...

19th January, 2009
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Shared Services can assist with the transformation of local authority services, delivering efficiency gains and promoting innovation. Merging services together may not simply mean a cost saving, but could also allow greater innovation...

11th December, 2006