
Localism 2015: Where next for the political parties?

September 17, 2013   By 13 Council Leaders

Decisions that affect people’s lives are increasingly made at a more local level. But how these decisions are made and who has the power to make them is still decided by national government.

In order to start a conversation between local and national leaders in advance of the manifesto writing process, NLGN have produced a collection of political essays from council leaders and influencers from all the main parties.

These essays display some of the best innovation in local government. From this they show what good local government needs from national government to enable them to continue to deliver – increasingly in very difficult circumstances.

The essays represent local government from throughout England of different sizes, types and political persuasion. Essayists include David Skelton – Director of Conservative campaign group Renewal, Cllr Ruth Dombey, Liberal Democrat Leader of Sutton Council and Sir Albert Bore, Labour Leader of Birmingham City Council.

September 17, 2013
Authored by

13 Council Leaders
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