
The Next Generation: The values, attitudes and behaviours of Britain’s future citizens

October 26, 2012   By Daria Kuznetsova and Adrian Harvey

NLGN, with the support of Zurich Municipal, set out to investigate the risks to the next generation that the economic downturn has generated.

While the immediate impact of the downturn is apparent, the implications in the medium term are far from clear:

  • Will unemployment help to create a ‘lost generation’ of unemployable young people?
  • Will growing concerns about disaffected youth lead to new pressures on councils to divert, control and support increasingly estranged young people?
  • Do the changing values and expectations of a new generation mean that society is likely to respond to hard times by developing a new community ethos, or that people will put themselves first?

In these conditions, what role can public services play in managing and mitigating the risks facing their young people and places?

With the first phase of the research complete, we are now able to present our interim findings. The final report will be published in January 2013.

October 26, 2012
Authored by

Daria Kuznetsova and Adrian Harvey
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