
Key Cities: Ready to Meet the UK’s Biggest Challenges

June 5, 2018   By Charlotte Morgan, Senior Policy Researcher, NLGN

NLGN has been commissioned by the Key Cities Group to undertake research into how mid-sized cities can contribute to resolving the big national challenges that the UK currently faces.

The first report, ‘Key Cities: Ready to Meet the UK’s Biggest Challenges’, can be downloaded here.

The second report, ‘Key Cities: Cities in Action’, can be downloaded here. It was covered by The MJ, the Huffington Post, CityMetric, the LGC, and iNews among others.

‘Key Cities: Cities in Action’ calls on the UK and devolved governments to work in closer partnership with mid-sized cities. The report sets out the additional powers, freedoms and resources Key Cities and other mid-sized cities need to deliver stronger economic growth and prosperity at both local and national levels. These are based on the fulfilment of three ambitions:

  1. Mid-sized cities are great places for people to get on
    Places where local skills and employment infrastructure supports people to get on in life, giving everyone the opportunity to access jobs that suit their interests and talents and help them achieve their potential while reaping the benefits of a booming and productive economy.
  2. Mid-sized cities are great places for people to live
    Places where people enjoy living, with vibrant town centres and cultural opportunities and access to quality housing, broadband and transport links.
  3. Mid-sized cities are great places for people to grow up
    Places where all children and young people can grow up healthy and happy, with public, private and third sectors working together to give them the support, information and opportunities they individually need to help them succeed for the rest of their lives.

June 5, 2018
Authored by

Charlotte Morgan, Senior Policy Researcher, NLGN
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