
Cities in Action 1: Workplace Automation

July 3, 2019   By Charlotte Morgan

The first Cities in Action report, published in July 2019, is on Workplace Automation. The report can be downloaded HERE.

Cities are central to the UK’s efforts to tackle its most pressing economic, social and environmental challenges. When it comes to developing solutions to these challenges, the most proactive cities will be outward-looking as well as forward-thinking. Through the ‘Cities in Action’ project, the Key Cities Group and NLGN will produce a series of reports highlighting ideas and best practice successfully implemented by countries, regions and cities around the world in response to similar challenges faced by places in the UK. Working closely with the UK and devolved governments and local partners, Key Cities will use lessons from Cities in Action to explore whether elements of international best practice could be trialled in the UK’s mid-sized cities.

For more information on Cities in Action, please contact cmorgan@newlocal.org.uk and keycities@wakefield.gov.uk

July 3, 2019
Authored by

Charlotte Morgan
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