
New survey: Government targets to end rough sleeping will not be met, with over 40 per cent of councils saying they cannot eradicate rough sleeping by 2027

  • A respected quarterly survey found 41 per cent of councils think they are unlikely to eradicate rough sleeping by 2027
  • 26 per cent of council chiefs say they are unable to halve rough sleeping by 2022
  • Amongst predominantly urban councils, 61 per cent think they are unlikely to eradicate rough sleeping by 2027, with 38 per cent saying they are unable to halve it by 2022.

Government targets for rough sleeping will not be met according to a respected quarterly survey of all council chief executives, leaders and mayors across the UK. The NLGN Leadership Index found that 41 per cent of councils think they cannot eradicate rough sleeping by 2027. 26 per cent say they are unlikely or very unlikely to halve rough sleeping by 2022. Focusing on predominantly urban (London and Metropolitan Boroughs) councils, the figures rise: 61 per cent think they are unlikely to eradicate rough sleeping by 2027, with 38 per cent saying they are unable to halve it by 2022.

The news will come as a blow to the Government given the Rough Sleeping Strategy launched just last year includes targets to halve rough sleeping by 2022 and eradicate it by 2027. This has been accompanied by extra funding allocations, particularly for those local authorities with the highest numbers of rough sleepers. As NLGN’s survey reveals, however, this is not proving adequate. Councils cite unsustainable funding, welfare and lack of suitable accommodation amongst the obstacles preventing them from meeting Government targets.

Adam Lent, the Director of the New Local Government Network, said:

“Everyone agrees that the Government’s aspiration to eradicate rough sleeping is admirable. But this survey shows that councils are far off the 2027 target – particularly in urban areas. The Government needs to work closely and urgently with councils to understand what extra resources are needed to meet the targets and how planned welfare reforms can be revised to prevent them contributing to rough sleeping.”

The NLGN Leadership Index is a survey of council leaders, chief executives and mayors of local authorities across the UK first published in March 2018. It provides a platform for councils to express their level of confidence in delivering key services and the overall experience of their community.

Notes to editors
1. The full analysis of the latest Leadership Index survey can be found here.
2. For further information, please contact Molly Jarritt, External Affairs Officers at NLGN, on 07714 448036 or mjarritt@newlocal.org.uk.
3. The NLGN Leadership Index survey was sent to 816 council leaders, chief executives and mayors across the UK. It was open between 27th February 2019 and Friday 8th March 2019. This latest survey received a total of 188 complete responses, which translates to a 24 per cent response rate. Survey responses were received from all UK regions.
4. NLGN asked leaders, chief executives and council mayors how likely they thought it was that their council would be able to halve rough sleeping by 2022 and end it by 2027. Questions and responses as follows:

Figure 7

Figure 9

Figure 11

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