In Practice: Neighbourhood working in Stockport

About the project
New Local worked with Stockport Council and its partners to deliver a range of activities to inform future neighbourhood working arrangements, particularly in relation to local area working among communities, health and social care teams.
“New local helped us to understand strengths and weaknesses in our approach and were brilliant in facilitating a future model. They were a pleasure to work with.”
Kathryn Rees, Director of Strategy, Stockport Council
How we did it
- Interviews with managers across the council, involving an initial set of 15 interviews and subsequent follow-up/additional interviews with a further 10 contacts.
- Desk-based analysis of council strategies and operational documentation including internal review of existing neighbourhood working, particularly in relation to communities and health teams.
- A practice review and analysis of 10 case studies of neighbourhood working in other areas, including how each model was resourced and supported.
- Workshops with service managers from communities, inclusion, public health, adult social care, children’s services, and place teams, including a retrospective learning workshop on the Stockport Together Programme of integrated, neighbourhood working and a design workshop to explore future options.
- Supporting a Test and Learn phase by shaping the parameters of the activity and the learning questions to be explored.
- Advising on how the new arrangements could best be resourced and supported, including opportunities for further collaboration and integration across teams.
What was achieved
Stockport Council is now working with its partners across 8 different neighbourhoods as part of the Team Around the Place (TAP) model. Team Around the Place involves a group of frontline professionals from the public sector, in particular those involved in health and social care, coming together with local voluntary, community, and social enterprise organisations to coordinate services and activities and to empower the community to find solutions that will improve their health and wellbeing.