
Stronger Things 2022 Online Agenda

Thank you for being part of Stronger Things 2022!

Videos of the event will be available soon on the New Local YouTube channel – subscribe to be notified first.


Welcome to Stronger Things 2022.

It’s been a challenging couple of years since we last met at the Guildhall. But it has been so exciting to see how the movement for community power has grown across local government, the NHS and the wider public sector. The combination of resilience and imagination has been truly inspirational. 

These two days will give you a chance to reflect on everything you’ve achieved, re-connect with people, and, of course, hear from an amazing line-up of speakers.

Thanks for being part of the movement and do feel free to get in touch for a chat – we’d love to hear your community power experiences and thoughts.

– Donna Hall, Chair, New Local and Adam Lent, Chief Executive, New Local.

Joining the event

To join the online session, follow the link
e-mailed to you each morning of the event.

Your e-mail also contains information on how to join your breakout sessions.

Access to the event is via Zoom. You can download Zoom here.

Any tech problems? E-mail info@newlocal.org.uk

Once you’re online, get involved on Twitter: #StrongerThings @wearenewlocal

Breakout Sessions

Both Days: Community-led startups – rebooting public services from the bottom Impossible Ideas

Impossible Ideas Inc. is a public service venture studio on a mission to supercharge public problem-solving and reboot public services.

In this interactive session we will explore what role communities can play in designing, running and owning ventures that serve a public purpose and meet their most pressing needs.

Tuesday Only: Who gets to imagine the future of places? JRF (Joseph Rowntree Foundation)

How can we give people hope? How do we create and grow visions of a better future? One way is a technique and a body of work called ‘collective imagination’.

In this session, we’ll explain how this works and share some examples of where it’s happening in the UK, what makes it possible, and what changes as a result. Get learning and insight from the people who have done it.

Tuesday only: How to evaluate your place-based programme Renaisi

Evaluation is vital to secure funding and support for your work but evaluating long-term, collaborative, place-based projects is hard! In this practical session, Renaisi’s Senior Place Based Evaluations Manager, Lily O’Flynn, invites you to share all of the challenges and barriers you face when trying to evaluate place-based work. Then she will provide tips, tools and a model that you can use to evidence the progress and impact of your work. 

Wednesday Only: What do leaders do when the community leads? New Local

Leaders of organisations moving towards community power realise quickly that their own approach needs an equally radical shift. 

This is difficult, nuanced and often messy stuff. So, what is the skillset that’s needed? What are the common mistakes? And how do you not revert old ways of thinking when things get tough? 

At this breakout, you’ll have the chance to explore your own challenges with a panel of public sector leaders and politicians at different stages of this journey.

Speaker Biographies

Thank you for joining us at Stronger Things 2022 – we hope to see you again next year!

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