09:30am - 11:30am
9 November
In partnership with

Establishing a New Working Relationship with Partners

09:30am - 11:30am  |  9 November  |  Online
In partnership with
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The pandemic has highlighted how important a close, collaborative relationship between councils and their partners can be.  

Local charities and community groups have the knowledge and capacity to massively enhance a place’s ability to respond to its most pressing social and economic challenges, as well as unexpected crises. They often have the legitimacy and trust that mobilises volunteers and communities, in a way the public sector can sometimes find difficult.

This period has crystallised the importance of councils collaborating with local businesses, cultural institutions and other public agencies. As a result, many councils are now rethinking their relationships with their partners; seeking a more collaborative and imaginative approach with a clear sense of shared purpose. They are contemplating how to best use their skills and resources to facilitate strong partnerships in a community. 

This session will explore routes to that new relationship and how it can be used to effectively address challenges, reduce demand and deliver shared local objectives.  

Participation in New Local events is free and exclusive to members of our Network. If you would like to find out more, please contact Francesca.

“Do not miss a New Local Innovation Exchange – I came back to my council with fresh insights, practical ideas for implementation and a brand new network of people in exactly the same boat as me” 

Joanna Ruffle, Director of Transformation, Southend Council

Innovation Exchanges give participants from our member councils a space to step away from day-to-day activities and engage with peers from across the country. Each session addresses a big challenge or opportunity facing councils and their communities. Sessions are peer-led and practically-focused, so participants come away with insights, ideas and learning to share with their teams.

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